MS State Leadership ConferenceĀ
Register Here: Blue Panda
Registration Opens: January 27, 2025
Registration Closes: February 7, 2025
Registration is $75 per person (students, advisers, chaperones, guests, etc.). This fee does include three meals for registrants (Sunday Dinner, Monday Breakfast, and Monday Lunch)
Competitive Events
Outstanding Community Service Contributor - Each chapter can recognize students who have completed at least 25 hours of community service during their time as a FBLA member. Submission deadline of February 14.
Each student can compete in one objective/production test, one presentation event, and one chapter event
All students are eligible to compete in any event; they did not need to qualify from RLC
Chapters may have:
10 entries competing in each individual objective test event (individual)
3 entries competing in each presentation event (team or individual)
1 entry competing in each chapter event (team or individual)
All Middle School conference activities and housing will take place at:
Chula Vista Resort
1000 Chula Vista Pkwy
Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
Lodging Information: Complete the attached form and submit directly to Chula Vista with all required documentation